Playing dice together

These days, people all over the world play dice. Numerous online casinos offer variations of this game.

Types of game

  • Buck Dice (the game involves three dice, and the number of players can be unlimited);
  • High Dice (a game that uses two dice, paired);
  • A two-dice game called bank on dice;
  • Bluff, a five-dice game similar to poker;
  • Over and Under (unlimited number of players, two dice);
  • The game consists of thirteen players, each playing on two dice.
  • Craps, which can be played by an unlimited number of players with two dice;
  • Martinetti or Ohio (three dice, maximum number of players);
  • Navy Dice – five dice, depending on the number of players;
  • Dice Poker: five dice with unusual “card” face markings (e.g., queen, jack, king, etc.) are used, and can be played with any number of players;
  • Pig is a game that can be played with a single dice or with any number of players;
  • Aces, which can be played with an unlimited number of players and five dice;
  • Four Dice is a game consisting of two dice with four dice;
  • Thousand (five dice, but only 1 and 5 give points, the rest knock down or create combinations);
  • Chicago (two dice are used, no limit to the number of players);
  • Chuck-e-luck, a game in which three dice are used, and the player’s winnings are proportional to the number of dice on which the ordered number of points are rolled;

Interesting facts

  • Caligula was one of many Roman emperors subject to a pernicious addiction to this game;
  • South America was the hiring ground for the oldest “cheat” dice;
  • “Gambling” is the Arabic name for the game of dice;
  • Children’s board games utilize the principles of dice;
  • In the Middle Ages, special dice were created for the clergy, with images of virtues instead of points.
  • In ancient Rome, the common population was allowed to play dice only during certain seasons;
  • The first law forbidding the game of dice was passed in the 3rd century BC.

Probability of winning

When playing dice, calculating winnings is quite simple because the probabilities are easily calculated. When playing with a single dice, the probability of a certain number of points falling out is 1 in 6. The probability decreases as the number of dice increases. For example, in a two-dice game, the lowest probability of “2” and “12” points, respectively, is below average, and the highest probability is above average. The probability of the greater number of points falling out is “7”. The probability of rolling the largest number of dice also tends to the average value.